This is a preview of the Honeydew Kingdom units. For more information, please click here.
Alphabet Fun
Set 1: s a t i p n
Set 2: c k e h r m d
Set 3: g o u l f b
Set 4: j w z v y q u x
Set 1: Review
Set 2: Review
Set 3: Review
Set 4: Review Set 4.1: sh ch th
Review Unit 1: s a t i p n Unit 2: c k e h r m d
Introduce i_e; a_e; a(ll) e_e; ai; soft c
Review Unit 3: g o u l f b Unit 4: j z w v y qu x
Introduce o_e; u_e; soft g oa; ie, ee/ea
Review Unit 5: sh ch th wh ph
Introduce wh; ph; ng
Review Unit 6: Long vowels Unit 7: Long vowels
Introduce ar; or; er oo; ou; oi
Review Unit 8: Alternative spellings
Introduce ue/ew; ay; ow
Review Unit 9: Long vowels
Review Unit 10: R-controlled sounds
Review Unit 11: Consonant digraphs Unit 12: Vowel digraphs