The core and levelled readers contain stories that excite children and hook them into reading. Children love everything about Wandsville, the magical land where the stories are set, from the foibles and idiosyncrasies of each character to the humorous, fast-paced, high interest story lines as they eagerly anticipate the unexpected twist at the end of each story.
There is a recognised set of instructional components that are crucial to the teaching of reading. Based on reading research, these five components have been identified as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. This is reflected in the structure of the Skills Books and Teacher Notes.
The Wonderland Oral Language Development Schemes provide monthly integrated units, centred around a unifying theme (e.g. Sea Life / Space) and use read-alouds of both fictional and informational texts to foster interest and knowledge of the topics, building children’s word and world knowledge.